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Showing posts from October, 2015

It's cheat day today! Making snack time fast and easy.

Sometimes we have the sudden urge to cook something out of the blue.. Sometimes we also have the urge to just eat something... anything... and fast! These are those times when you cannot afford to be picky so you just look around the cabinets, inside the refrigerator and voila! due to your growling appetite your brain and taste buds produce one brilliant idea... This is exactly what happened today... and from my raid of the pantry I've produced fresh out-of-the-oven mini chocolate chip brownies and piping hot chili con carne with a side of cream cheese served on a bed of nacho chips. Sounds delicious? Indeed! Sounds like a whole lot of cooking? Na-aaah! It does not sound as strenuous as you think my dear. I've cheated today. Using only a box of brownie cake mix and a whole can of chili con carne cooking has never been this easy. Just follow the instructions as directed behind the carton. For my whole box of Girardelli chocolate chip brownie mix I just added 3 pcs of eggs,...