Hi there! It's been a long time since I wrote here! Last blog was back in 2016 a year after I got married. Maybe it was the busy work schedule that kept me from writing, but here we go again... this pandemic caused a lot of devastating things physically, emotionally, spiritually, psychologically but it also brought out the best in us, our hidden talents and desires. It made us more resourceful, thinking of ways how to make a living out of the things within our reach... It pushed our inner creativity, maximized our talents, gave us plenty of time to look deep within. And so here I am! I hope I still have the ability to write effortlessly, but when I come to think of it... Passion never dies. Maybe it can sleep, but it will never die. Anyway... back to the topic. Today is the 9th day of home quarantine for everyone in Mauritius. Not too much to do at home except to think of ways how to spice up my family's every day meal. By "spice up" I did not mean literally spice up ...
My turbo broiler is not working as well as it should. So...Yes you read it correctly! I did grill chicken on top of the stove. On the gas range to be exact. I just placed a grill on top of the flame and voila! my improvised griller... It did come out well although it has been a bit on the burned side on some parts. Lesson learned- do not put the item on top of the grill too long. You have to check it from time to time because the fire here is constant compared to charcoal grills. I wish I had one of these at home. What do you think boys and girls? Nice to put in Santa's wish list don't you think? ;) But nevertheless, let's make-do with what we have and so far, my kitchen did not burn down or anything like that so thank God... Just remember three things here: make sure your item has really really nice flavor so all the effort and the risk (of burning down your kitchen) will be worth it!! haha (just joking) But seriously, three things to remember- ...